David Mancinelli        303-881-4464       david@thepelletguy.com

Premier Livestock Bedding

Let us save you time and money

My name is David Mancinelli and I was a cutting horse trainer in the Denver area, and I have been involved in the horse industry for 40 years. I am not just someone selling pelletized wood bedding, I am a horse person that was using it everyday. We all have tried everything from rice hulls, to paper, to grounded up tires, and this product is by far the only way to go. It saves time and money, that's what horse people are looking for. So if you need more informations and want to speak with a horse person call me.

"Quality Livestock Bedding

The Right Price"

Premier Livestock Bedding is excited to announce its newest partnership. We have joined forces with Wyoming Hemp Co. We have tried to be in the Hemp Bedding business several times but never really found a product that was of the highest quality for us to get behind, well things have changed. We now have a Hemp product worth putting on our website and we are proud to represent.

Welcome Wyoming Hemp Co. 

Hemp Bedding - shipped from Hawk Springs, Wy

for more information 

​Bulk and Bagged Alfalfa Pellets Call for info 

Bagged Shavings available in many area Call for Pricing


​​Pelleted Pine Wood Bedding

Pricing is as low as $175.00 per ton  / plus freight.

Made in the USA

We ship from many locations so call for pricing in your area.

Call David @

Cell # 303-881-4464

David Mancinelli
746 Windflower Dr 
Longmont, CO 80504

​If you are interested in pellets for other uses please: